Texans for Responsible Aggregate Mining
About TRAM
TRAM began in December 2019 recognizing the need for a unified voice to address the challenges posed by the expanding aggregate and concrete industry.
Visit our About Us page to learn more about TRAM's early history.

TRAM Members at the State Capitol.
Year of Establishment
Member Groups
Counties Represented
Texas Population
Seven Key Issues we are fighting for:
TRAM seeks to address the following Seven Key Issues that, if addressed, would result in:
equity for all stakeholders involved
healthier, safer, and more desirable communities.
an efficient APO industry better aligned with stakeholder concerns in the communities in which they operate.
Air Quality
Water Use & Availability
Surface &
Groundwater Contamination
Inadequate planning & oversight
Truck Traffic & Driver Safety
Nuisance Issues
Economic Impacts
Recent Posts
What are APOs?
How do other states address the negative impacts of this industry?
Visit our FAQ page to learn about these and other questions.
Our Member Groups
TRAM is composed of volunteer, citizen-driven organizations from across the state.